

Welcome!  Please pause for a moment….feel your thoughts arrive onto this page from wherever you were previously clicking/viewing.  

Arrive here, in this moment. Notice the surfaces supporting you, the rise and fall of your chest in concert with your breath, the sensations of your face and around your eyes as you read these words….. 


Again, Welcome! The following are collections of images, ideas and inquiries that emerged during my experiential self-research time from December 2014 to March 2015 as part of a series of “process projects” I created within my masters degree program.  

I invite you to meander through the images below and click on the links, as they peak your interest. For ease of perusal, know that other windows may open as you click on various links; sound is a part of some of them, so please keep your volume turned on. 

Thank you for your Presence here with me. 
Enjoy! Jeni


skin-body explorations

As you bring your explorations to a close, I invite you to notice your body in this moment. Offer yourself time to feel into the following question: if you could name, in 1-3 words/phrases what sensations are moving within you now, what would you share?  Thank you for your presence and reflection here. 


BURMEISTER, A. with MONTE, T. (1997) The touch of healing: energizing body, mind, and spirit with the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu. New York, NY: Bantam Books.
COHEN, B.B. (2008) Sensing, feeling, and action: experiential anatomy of body-mind centering. Northampton, MA: Contact Editions.
GREY, A. (1990) Sacred mirrors: the visionary art of Alex Grey. Vermont: Inner Traditions International.
KAPIT, W. and ELSON, L. (1993) The anatomy coloring book. 2nd ed., New York, NY: HarperCollins College Publishers.
MCHOSE, C. and FRANK, K. (2006) How life moves: explorations in meaning and body awareness. Berkley, California: North Atlantic Books.
SHEETS-JOHNSTONE, M. (1999) The primacy of movement: advances in consciousness research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.

Bibliographic referencing style from Harvard Referencing Handbook , Wolverhampton 2003 edition
All images and videos presented above are personal property of Jennifer Ascosi.


Sounding the Depths

The drawing above was done as an expression of the movement and energies of an evening with a dear friend. I was not attempting to replicate what happened but rather to track back into my experiences and sensations of the evening and reflect on them in a non-verbal way.

This story of sensations and the movement of emotions one summer evening is now layered with my explorations within the theme of “Sounding the Depths”, offering me new pathways into sensation and movement each time I revisit the image.

Your presence here offers a new layer—Thank you.


The Embrace of the Visible and Invisible

In a similar way as we began, I again invite you to pause for a moment and allow your attention, your fluids, your questions, your tensions, your inspirations to arrive here with you…Feeling into their arrival, one after another as you sense that you are here, in this moment…the surfaces supporting you, the rise and fall of your chest in concert with your breath, the sensations of your face and around your eyes as they read these words…If you could name, in 1-3 words, what you are experiencing within, in this very moment, what might those words be?

I exhale slowly, weighted-ness in my eyes, throat, chest and belly as I draw my writing to a close for this evening. Feet on the ground, body curving slightly forward, fingers easing their pace across the keys, I rest here.

With Sincere Gratitude for Your Presence Here,



ABRAM, D. (1997) The spell of the sensuous: perception and language in a more than human world. London: Vintage.
ANDERSON, R. (2002) Embodied Writing: Presencing the Body in Somatic Research. Somatics, pp. 40-44.
ASCOSI, J. (2014) Research notes, Unpublished.
ASCOSI, J. (2010-2014) Quotes and reflections document. A collection of quotes and their respective titles, including quotes by Goethe and Rilke. Unpublished.
BEHAR, R. (1996) The vulnerable observer: anthropology that breaks your heart. Boston: Beacon Press.
COLLINSON, P. (unknown) MA dance & somatic well-being: connections to the living body DA4001(L7) presence and reflection supporting handout. Unpublished.
COLLINSON, P. (unknown) Re-sourcing the body: embodied presence and self-care in working with others. Unpublished.
CONRAD, E. (2007) Life on land: the story of continuum, the world renowned self-discovery and movement method. Berkley, California: North Atlantic Books.
LEVINE, P. (2011) In an unspoken voice: how the body releases trauma and restores goodness. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
MELOY, E. (2002) The anthropology of turquoise: reflections on desert, sea, stone and sky. New York, NY: Random House.
OLSEN, A. (2002) Body and earth: an experiential guide. USA: Middlebury College Press.

Bibliographic referencing style from Harvard Referencing Handbook , Wolverhampton 2003 edition
All images and videos presented above are personal property of Jennifer Ascosi.