“We have a tendency to think in terms of doing and not in terms of being. We think that when we are not doing anything, we are wasting our time. But that is not true. Our time is first of all for us to be. To be what? To be alive, to be peaceful, to be joyful, to be loving. And that is what the world needs most.”
In-Sight & In-Sensing
Shape of body (“ground”) > Movement of breath (“space”) > awaken your Inner gaze > REST with inner shape/body breathing > use elemental qualities to assist you in Becoming a new shape (water lapping, clouds shape-shifting, light shimmering, breeze fluttering leaves) > REST.
Begin again:
ground - shape - breath - inner gaze - rest - elemental connection - new shape - rest
* Anything of note? —express in words, gestures, and/or shapes.
* What does “enough” mean to you?
* What does “enough” feel like in your body?”
1. Pause at times during the day and feel the ground underneath your feet, notice the shape of your body and the movement of your breath (resist the urge to “fix your posture” and allow the shape to be as it is until it changes — lengthens, softens, widens, engages— on its own). In your new shape, notice your breath and the ground beneath you. What’s changed?
2. Find different ways in which you can move through your day as Enough. What is the pace at which you are moving? Experiment with turning the volume of your movement up or down until you are at “just enough” for this moment.
Notice what happens in your body when you find your “right pace” for the activity at hand.
Practice this with regularity to discover and create patterns of moving-thinking that are supportive and resourcing for your body and relationships!
If you be wise,
you will make yourselves reservoirs
rather than channels of God’s love-
the difference being
the channel discharges all its water
almost as soon as it is received-
and a reservoir waits until it is full to the brim
and only gives away what is superfluous-
it gives away without loss to itself.
We have today many channels, but few reservoirs
We want to give away before we have received,
more willing to speak than to listen.
Beloved, learn to minister from the overflow
and do not desire to be more generous than God.
Behold how much has to be poured into us that we
may venture to pour out,
giving of our plenitude, not of our poverty.
Bernhard of Clairvaux
Thank You for Your Presence Here
photos & video: J.Ascosi; Ashokan Reservoir, August 2022.